
今朝の日経産業新聞はあまりひっかかる記事がなく・・・なので、オンラインを斜め読み。アッカ須山社長「無線ブロードバンドは3桁億円の売上を目指す」 という、勢いは買うけど実現性にちよっと? という記事。「株式会社WEB2.0」解散へ、「PingKing」は8月末サービス終了 という記事は、先日 PingKingのユーザである私のところにも通知が来ていたな~ このサービス、最初は面白いかと思って始めたのですが、なんだか途中でサイト全体のイメージが私の利用したい方向とはまったく離れていく感じがしたので最近はほとんど利用無し。関係者を知っていたのですが、ごめんなさい、としか言いようがないかな、と思っていたらサービス終了。「収益」を上げるのは勢いだけでは駄目ですよね。さて、もうひとつ引っかかったのはこんな英文記事。+++++ What if Chicken Little was right? Aug. 18, 2008, by Carol Wilson There's no shame in claiming the sky is falling when chunks of blue are hitting the ground all around you. An Arbor Networks report, released today, confirms what some tech-types have been saying for a while: IP Version 6, the next version of IP technology that solves the problem of limited IP addresses, is not being adopted as quickly as it needs to be. The demand for IP addresses is only going to mushroom. As recent earnings reports by wireless operators confirm, the growth in wireless data is accelerating as more consumers want to be able to access the Internet, their e-mail and other content via their hand-held devices, each one of which now requires an IP address. Home automation is just starting, but it will mean more devices in the home think thermostats, refrigerators, Web-cams, etc. will need IP addresses as well. Other forms of inventory and tracking of things vehicles, products, even people will drive up the IP address demand as well. In short, the future of the life as we know it in the Internet era depends on making this transition and doing it at a much faster pace than is currently taking place. Certainly, major government units are pulling in the right direction. The U.S. government's new Networx contract for its voice and data services requires IPv6, and the Chinese reportedly make IPv6 a requirement for the networking at the Beijing Olympics. But there is much more to be done and it needs to be done now, before the commercial reality of no further Internet expansion kicks in. E-mail me at carol.wilson@penton.com. +++++ IPv6ってどう? という話。2ちゃんねるIPv6ユーザーのみ書き込める「IPv6@2ch掲示板」 という記事を見て、ちょっとのぞきに行ったのですが、盛り上がりはいまひとつ? IPv6移行では日本の道を誤る,グーグル独占には危険な香り というご意見もあるようなので、ここはじっくり読んでみますかね・・・