



Lost in the buzz
Who should you believe about the iPhone? Apple? AT&T? A zillion bloggers who never have touched one, and may not for weeks or months? The imminent crush of customer reviews? Walter Mossberg?
Everyone's an expert, and everyone has something to gain. Here's my advice: If you wish you could talk to your iPod and have it talk back, e-mail your friends on it and have it keep track of your life for you, plus you have about $600 burning a hole in your pocket, then for God's sake, go buy one and don't waste time trying to synthesize all the buzz and hype and expert analysis goo surrounding this thing. If you do, it might sell out before you get the chance.

If you want to do all those things with the iPod you have now, then it really doesn't matter whether Mossberg thinks this is a dud or the greatest invention since the butter churn (one of Mossberg's earliest reviews).

It doesn't even have to do all those things well; the difference is not in the quality of the capabilities, but that it actually has the capabilities you want to add to the design, form and functions you associate with, and love about, your iPod. Don't think about this as whether you should or should not get a new phone, but whether you should or should not get a new iPod that does all this other stuff. If you don't want a new iPod, you don't care about having the next new consumer electronics devices before everyone else, and you're going to quibble about capabilities or services, just skip it.

Meanwhile, for anyone other than Apple, it's darn difficult to build any hype this week. T-Mobile is launching a cellular/Wi-Fi converged service this week, and is probably wishing it could create one-tenth the media buzz that the iPhone has garnered. So, here's at least a fraction of that fraction.

E-mail me at doshea@telephonyonline.com.



[2007年6月28日/日本経済新聞 朝刊]

アメリカやヨーロッパのケータイの3G化が遅れたのは、3G licence auctionでお金がかかりすぎたため
・でもその分、アメリカでは無線LANが色々出てきたし、mesh network とか WiMAX という動きにつながった
