
今週はやはり iPhoneWiMAXの話題で終わりましたね。


Riding the iPhone roller coaster
By Carol Wilson

Europe is about to discover the mixed blessing that is the Apple iPhone, following its launch there this week. After its much-hyped debut in the U.S., the iPhone and its providers -- Apple and AT&T -- have been steadily derided for everything from slow Internet connections, activation hassles and non-replaceable batteries to the sudden $200 price drop that left early adopters feeling ripped off.

In Europe, T-Mobile is playing the role of AT&T -- the more abused of the partners -- and is wisely trying to ward off complaints about slow Internet connections by encouraging iPhone users to take advantage of its many Wi-Fi hotspots.

It will be interesting to see, however, if, as in the U.S., the iPhone prompts the kind of widespread hacking to separate the phone from the required cellular service that went on here. The desire for the "cool" device without the constraints of a cellular contract with a specified provider has heated up the U.S. debate over whether mobile service should be more open, something cellular carriers are obviously fighting.

Europe has always been way ahead of the U.S. when it comes to mobile trends. Let's see how this market handles this one.

E-mail me at cwilson3@telephonyonline.com.
というコラムも iPhoneのサプライズに期待していますね。

[WSJ] 米国では好調なiPhoneも欧州では苦戦?
という記事はちょっと斜めな気がします。大体、ヨーロッパでそれほど 3Gが普及しているのか? と考えると・・・
まあ米国は3G化されている部分はどのくらい? と言われるようなエリアでもありますからね。

