
今朝受け取ったTelephony OnlineのGuest Perspective が「Telco DNA」というコラムだった。オンラインでアップしていないのでそのまま引用
By Vince Vittore
July 6, 2005
In a recent conversation with a respected marketing person who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons, I was told that the only way big telcos would be able to compete in the future was through a "complete replacement of their executive DNA."

Perhaps that's a little overdramatic, but the point was well taken. Looking at the executives who are pulling the strings at the largest telcos, he noted that with few exceptions, every one of them is a lifelong telco employee. While that's not exactly shocking, the question that kept coming back is whether an executive raised in the protected monopoly environment had the right genetic material to lead an organization that would be faced with competition from all sides.

The marketing exec argued that until carrier executives got out of the "ivory tower/entitlement mentality" telcos would be doomed to play a secondary role in most future services. The flip side of that argument is that these same executives aren't likely to go out wasting money on technology fads that ultimately amount to nothing.

Taking into account an executive's background is important and often provides explanation for certain decisions. But it doesn't necessarily predispose people to certain fates. It is feasible for an executive running an organization that has never been faced with competition for its core revenue to flip the switch and become an aggressor. Likewise, it's probably more likely that that same executive reverts back to his--and in very rare cases, her--trusted modus operandi.

Telcos, which at times make the College of Cardinals look aggressive, aren't about to transplant their DNA. Nor are we likely to see a sudden shift of attitudes. But as competition for every service takes root, those with the competitive DNA eventually will rise to the top.

ネット業界にかなりの年数いると、通信業界のDNA、サーバ屋さんのDNA、ネットのDNAなど、言葉では説明できない「違い」を感じることが少なくない。それがいいのか悪いのかは別として、変わってきている部分もあるし、ネット機器のメーカーなのに通信業界のDNAまんまの部分もあるし。ちょっとうがった見方なのかもしれないが、日本のネット業界では「IBMのDNA」に重きをおくような風潮がちょっとある。「彼は日本IBMの出身だから、ITの法人市場に詳しい」というようなコメントを何回聞いただろう。でもそれはあたっている部分もあれば、そうでない部分もかなりあると思う。自社のIBM PCが机の上にありながら Secretary (もちろんバイリンガルのおねーさん) がいなければ何もできない部長、という笑い話も一時期は港区外人村では有名でしたからね。

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