

Consumer push-to-talk: Does anyone really care ‘where you at?’

PTT’s most adamant supporters, primarily field workers and emergency personnel, as well as the few consumers it did attract, have already moved on, according to David Chamberlain, principal wireless analyst at In-Stat. Chamberlain said that in Nextel’s golden age, people loved the network, and the carrier, singularly focused on PTT, owned the space. That is, until they decided to target the consumer market as well. Adding non-workers to the subscriber base ultimately damaged the brand, he said. In a year-over-year survey that InStat conducts on consumer use of handset applications, PTT was the only category out of six that declined between 2006 and 2007. Although the results for 2008 aren’t yet in, Chamberlain believes the ’06 to ’07 decline of 17.5% indicates that a lot of the early adopters and business users gave up on the technology when the influx of SMS text messaging posed a better solution.

じゃあコンシューマ向けでは何がいいの? といえば

米国ネット電話サービス 年間19.95ドルかけ放題で急成長

渡航先の位置情報を利用した「iエリア 滞在国情報」サービス、韓国でも可能に
見たいけど見づらい・・・PCでGoogle Mapなんかに慣れていると余計にそう思うのかな。。。
じゃあ Internet Machineじゃどうだ!!という話にもなるかしら。

週末にauGmailを読もうとしたらなかなかezwebにつながらないトラブル。しょうがないので Softbank Internet machineでつなげたらまあ快適!! ちょっとケータイの使い方、考え直そうかな。でも料金はどうだろう・・・