





さて、そんな機器を出しているCaspian という、多分私の知り合いも勤めている会社が出したプレスリリース

Caspian Offers Resolution to Net Neutrality Debate with Fair Use Policy Framework




Low resolution
By Ed Gubbins
A well-traveled press release from Caspian Networks this week promises a "resolution" to the Net neutrality debate. But to suggest that Caspian's products could actually "resolve" this debate is silly.

Caspian claims its method of identifying traffic types and allotting them bandwidth ensures that, for example, voice-over-IP providers will get the bandwidth needed to deliver a quality service and won't be trampled by richer video traffic. But this is just one of a host of concerns swirling around the Net neutrality debate.

Caspian claims its approach is also a boon for consumers since it "provides nondiscriminatory access to all Internet ... content and eliminates the inherent unfairness of 'one size fits all' rates that now force the majority of users to subsidize a handful of high-bandwidth users." Huh? I don't recall consumers complaining that flat-rate monthly broadband prices were unfair. And why would they argue for pay-per-use models now, when they are accessing ever more video content on the Web? Does anyone believe that, if carriers were able to charge heavy peer-to-peer users more for the Internet traffic they consume, those carriers would drop monthly broadband rates for the rest of us? I don't buy it.

One of the primary concerns underpinning the Net neutrality debate is the prospect of network operators charging content providers for network access that (at least the content folks say) has already been paid for by broadband subscribers. Rather than allay that concern, Caspian's proposed solution appears to help enable carriers to confirm those very fears. It "allows network operators to provision available bandwidth into quality-of-service tiers, which may include different rate structures," Caspian said.

Caspian's solution leaves unresolved several aspects of the Net neutrality debate. What it offers most immediately is some publicity for Caspian, magnified through the lens of an otherwise serious debate.

E-mail me at egubbins@prismb2b.com.





