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さて、このAT&Tの買収に関して2つ、Telephony オンラインマガジン関係から引用。

The return of AT&T: What you think
By Dan O'Shea
Two days ago, one day after AT&T and BellSouth decided to ruin your Sunday and mine by making us think about work, I asked for your opinions on AT&T's proposed acquisition of BellSouth, and you delivered in force.

I've received more than 100 e-mails since Monday afternoon, and they are still trickling in. Our e-mail server hates you, but I adore you for this huge response.

I'll quote or paraphrase some portions of a few responses below, without identification, since I haven't had a realistic opportunity to respond to everyone. Comments ran the gamut from people sounding off about layoff fears to other people celebrating the return of what many called the "good old days."

But my favorites so far are the ones that make some interesting points about how the return of AT&T may not be a return after all but something more like a reincarnation in a different body and in a different time (Shirley MacLaine will be overjoyed).

Here is one of those comments:

"In the global economy size matters; therefore the "new AT&T" is probably a good thing. But it is very different from what was broken up ... 1.) The old leadership was awful. It had no vision ... 2.) The new company is born of competition. There is no protective monopoly. The new AT&T must deliver the goods or it will fail. 3.) There is not a protected manufacturing company hidden behind the network company to inflate the returns."

And another: "By the term, "old AT&T," you seem to be implying that the old monopoly is reforming. That is NOT the case. The wireless, cable and CLEC competition won't let the old monopoly repeat itself."

And a much different take: "...My worries are in keeping a job with good beneifits and good pay. My entire career has been based on the 1984 breakup, which had told me 'big is bad.' Now it's good? For whom? As a union worker in the telecom sector, I see the only one this merger with Bellsouth is good for are the stockholders, CEOs and other top officials. Let's face it, everyone now is talking about how many jobs will be lost due to it."

These comments represent a couple of different viewpoints, but the e-mails I received were in many cases complex, throughtful and emotionally honest, and I don't want to overlook any of them. In the days, weeks and months ahead, watch for our ongoing coverage of the AT&T/BellSouth deal and the many questions it raises for the people most affected by it: you. The points of view you expressed and the questions you asked will guide our coverage. In particular, see our March 20 issue for further analysis of the deal and the national and global telecom picture that will result from it. And please keep the e-mails coming.

E-mail me at doshea@prismb2b.com.


The vertically integrated world
By Dan O'Shea
The announcement in the U.S. this week that AT&T plans to acquire BellSouth has industry watchers looking in every direction to figure out what kinds of ripple effects there will be.

A couple of analysts commented earlier this week that the deal will create an entity in which wireless is much more vertically integrated, presumably making it easier for AT&T to become a powerhouse provider of fixed/mobile convergence (FMC) services.

Meanwhile, some telcos, like BT, are trying to prove that you don't necessarily need the assets of a wireless network operator vertically integrated into your organization to write an FMC success story--BT is doing its Fusion service through a mobile virtual network operator model.

Does AT&T's move to acquire BellSouth and the rest of Cingular Wireless that it doesn't already own signify that national and multi-national carriers can no longer be pure-play network operators offering services in just one arena--wireless, telephony, cable TV or voice over IP? That may be news to the Vonages and Vodafones of the world.

Still, Vodafone reportedly is being pressured to sell its 45% stake in Verizon Wireless, presumably back to Verizon Communications so that Verizon can become more vertically integrated. So, maybe there is something to vertical integration after all, at least in the U.S. market.

E-mail me at DOShea@prismb2b.com.

これは英国BTの動きにも言及したものだし、vodafoneが持つ Verizon Wirelessの株を売る部分も含まれていますが、やはり寡占を危ぶむ部分が見えますね。

さて、先が見えない通信インフラ。それでNTT Comあたりから「インフラただ乗り問題」が浮上しているような感じが日経BP周りではあるのですが、ちょっとご意見がでました。

