

A long, strange trip
By Dan O'Shea
For the staff of Telephony, which is based in Chicago, attending Globalcomm 2006 in Chicago is about as easy as falling out of bed. In fact, many of us did literally fall out of bed this morning and, with the help of an unnecessarily swervy cab ride or a bumpy shuttle, landed on the show floor just minutes later.

For other people, making the trip here must have not been so easy. Attendance seems generally lower, though I have no official report to base this on (I tried counting people myself, but they kept moving around and I lost count somewhere around 47). We've also heard that some of the major telcos didn't send their usual planeloads of people to Globalcomm this year, perhaps in deference to the trade show rift between the Telecommunications Industry Association and the U.S. Telecom Association, former Supercomm partners. Or perhaps it's just that none of them wanted to tempt fate on 06/06/06--our biggest pseudo-doomsday since 01/01/00--and decided to remain in the safety of their own homes.

Whatever the reason, it's a shame they aren't here for the first Globalcomm. That's not necessarily because they are missing out on an amazing trade show experience (whatever news they are missing out on they can find in this newsletter and on our Web site). It's because, in not showing up for Globalcomm, they are conceding some mindshare to the service providers that are here. Hearing about what companies like Cox Communications, EarthLink, Teltel and others are doing is making it more and more apparent that the cable TV companies, the Internet giants and the wireless service providers are the ones being the most aggressive innovators.

If those companies are the ones building new relationships and expanding on old ones at Globalcomm 2006, where does that leave the telcos that aren't here? Staying ahead competitively in the future may prove to be a long and difficult trip for them.

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さて、では、やはりちょっと都心から離れている幕張で行われているINTEROP 2006はどうかといえば、まだ

Daily Report


ファーウェイ スリーコム ジャパン(株)のブースが崩れ、多分今頃再工事中・・・


のように国際会議場でやっている映像をライブで中継しているときに ShowTVは結構ひとだかりがしていたのだが、そのShowTVの中継をやっているときはちょっと控えめ。いや、隣のGyaOブースがにぎやかだったせいなのか・・・
